Visit our Fleximan Facebook page for more information about our Fleximan Manikin
Or please call via Viber, Facetime, WhatsApp
Fleximan began production in 1994 and there has been continuous improvement to the design over the past 20 years.
Early Research (A Cervical Manikin Technique for Chiropractic Skills Development; Young TJ, Hayek R, Phillipson S, JMPT 21:4 May 1999, pp. 241-245) showed that there was no difference in examination results for students who used the cervical manikin.
Recent Research (The simulated early learning of cervical spinal manipulation technique utilizing mannequins; Chapman PD, Stomski NJ, Losco B, Walker BF, Chiropr ManTherap. 2015, published online Aug 3 confirms the above and suggests there are safety implications.
It is hypothesized that students who have access to the Fleximan Manikin suffer less fatigue/injury from repetitive practice of setup procedures on each other.
The Fleximan Manikin is the equivalent of the Resuscitation Annie of the spinal manipulation world!
Fleximan Manikin is the product of years of research and experience. We are passionate about preventing subject fatigue/injury, and the Fleximan Manikin is designed specifically to prevent this happening to students and educators.
Mobile: +61 (0)458 568 649 (045timothy)
Or please call via Viber, Facetime, WhatsApp, etc.
Address: 3 Kandoo Street, Pacific Paradise, QLD, 4564
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