Fee Schedule

Payment is by Direct Debit, Pay-ID, PayPal, or cash.

Direct Debit - add a payee to your internet banking app and transfer to BSB: 084-801 Acc: 449459508

Australian bank PayID - my PayID is my phone number 0458466849, activate on your bank account, PayID here.

PayPal - using your PayPal account enter 0458466849 or 2timyoung@gmail.com and pay, instructions for PayPal here.


Initial consultation: 120 (allow about 1 hour)

The initial consultation includes history, physical examination, investigations (where applicable) and treatment. X-Rays are not needed unless there is a clinical reason (e.g having new/different pain, being over 50 years old with no recent imaging). Treatment includes passive (like massage and mobilisation) and active interventions (like education and exercises you do at home).

Followup consultation: 100 (30- 45 minutes)

Monitoring progress, review, revaluate (if necessary) passive treatment applied, active treatment checked and adjusted.

TELEHEALTH: 50 (15-45 minutes) 

Phone or video call. Believe it or not, what we discuss and your education is more important to your outcome than what I do to you hands-on!

Keep in touch

   Mobile: +61 (0)458 568 649 (045timothy)

Or please call via Viber, Facetime, WhatsApp, etc.

   Facebook Fleximan Manikin

   Email us today

   Address: 3 Kandoo Street, Pacific Paradise, QLD, 4564


